ArtWise Small Works Juried Exhibition

ArtWise invites visual artists to apply for juried Small Works exhibition.

The exhibition runs May 20th through June 30th, 2023 at ArtWise Gallery, Columbia Mall in Grand Forks, ND.

  • The Exhibition Jury will be Brian Paulsen, Prof. EM: He has juried 7 national shows, exhibited since 1960 in 2000 shows, and he is also recipient of a NEA grant and is a member of the National Academy, NYC. He taught college art classes for 41 years.

  • ArtWise is dedicated to creating connections between artists and communities. This exhibition will bring artists around the US to celebrate art with our community.

Sign up through Cafe Listing and look for Small Works. It is free to sign up.

Entry deadline is March 12, 2023.

Entry fee up to 3 pieces $35 (3 additional $10 each) 6 pieces in total.

This exhibition is for art smaller than 10” x 10” x 10” only both 2D and 3D.

Open to all artists 18 years and older living in the US.

More details on the Cafe Listing website: